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Cushman & Wakefield Named by Euromoney the Best CRE Advisers and Consultants in CEE and Worldwide


Euromoney’s 2021 Real Estate Survey has named Cushman & Wakefield, a leading global real estate services firm, the No. 1 commercial real estate Advisers and Consultants in the CEE region as well as worldwide.

Along with the Overall category, Cushman & Wakefield was also awarded top Adviser and Consultant in three specialized sub-categories.

Geography Main category Sub-category 2021  
 Central and Eastern Europe     Advisers and Consultants     Overall  1
 Central and Eastern Europe  Advisers and Consultants  Agency - Letting/Sales     1
 Central and Eastern Europe  Advisers and Consultants  Property Valuation  1
 Central and Eastern Europe Advisers and Consultants   Research  1


Jonathan Hallett, Executive Partner, Head of Central & Eastern Europe, Cushman & Wakefield: “We perceive the Euromoney awards as a recognition of the quality of our commercial real estate advisory services. The current developments place high demands on the sector, changes take place that need to be reflected and used as an opportunity. Thanks to the extensive experience of our professionals worldwide, we are able to react to the changing conditions and to provide expert advice to the players on the real estate market on their way to the sector’s recovery.”

This year, Cushman & Wakefield was also named the world’s best commercial real estate advisor and consultant overall and in four more specialized categories.

Euromoney’s 17th annual survey canvassed the opinions of leading firms involved in the real estate sector worldwide to determine which firms they believed to be the best providers of real estate products and services in their market during the past 12 months. Advisers, developers, investment managers, banks and corporate end-users of real estate were invited to take the survey. The full results are published on

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