Naše projekty
Pure Storage
1 The Opportunity
The client was looking for a second location to settle their developers division (the first location of Pure Storage is in Silicon Valley, Florida). From all countries in the world, they chose the Czech Republic.
The client was initially in contact with Cushman & Wakefield's Office agency, searching for the right space for their high-tech IT engineers to be established in Prague. The Office agency secured the lease of 2,650 sq m of top-class office space in the popular district of Karlín during landlords’ market peak.
At the same time, Pure Storage needed modern and variable workplace with plenty of relax zones and collaboration spaces, representative reception and meeting rooms. Having Design & Build Services within the company, this was offered as all-in-one service. Thanks to the recommendation, Pure Storage decided to choose Cushman & Wakefield as a Designer as well as General Contractor of their new offices in the Amazon Court building.
2 The Solution
Following the good cooperation with Cushman & Wakefield's T-Rep, the Design & Build team was appointed. Due to the client’s time restrictions, we were instructed to deliver the project as turnkey – providing all fit out construction, furniture and fixtures.
The architects decided to visually represent and apply the company's identity in practice throughout the office, with the design focusing on the users, IT engineers, so that they would feel connected with their new workplace.
3 The Result
The project was completed in August 2020, on time and under budget, despite the challenges presented by Covid-19 during the construction period.
The company’s identity was visually represented and applied in practice by Cushman & Wakefield:
Straight lines underscore the technological concept of a circuit board, being used all over the office: on acoustic surfaces, furniture, lighting, flooring and even as part of the navigation system. Pure Storage’s identity is also reflected in the use of orange colour in details on textiles, furniture and flooring.
The company’s principle of “working on cloud solutions” was brought to real life through carpet layout designed as a sky with clouds. Lounge areas are located so that engineers relaxing on the sofas are literally on clouds.
There are also many green areas that encourage health and wellness, comfort, and a general sense of well being. State of the art arcade room and training rooms provide a nice intersection for work-life balance.
95% of furniture materials are sustainable - the suspended acoustic panels in the open offices are made out of recycled bottles and steel. Everything that has been used in the new office came from central Europe to reduce carbon footprint of getting materials into the building.
From the client
"I am very thrilled with your determination to finish this project on time and under budget. I know it wasn't easy, but I knew you could do it. Your helpful attitude makes it clear that we have chosen the right team to partner up with. Thank you for your extra effort."
Candice Lui
Senior Global Project Manager
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