특집 스토리
글로벌 스토리
Insights • Investment / Capital Markets
Mumbai’s Office-SEZs get a new lease of life as leasing volume surge
Mumbai witnessed an unprecedented rise in leasing done in SEZ-designated (Special Economic Zone) buildings with 1.50 MSF of lease transactions recorded in these buildings in 2024.
Kolkata – Emergence of a Major Warehousing and Logistics Destination
Kolkata’s emergence as a major national warehousing and warehousing destination over the past few years highlights a significant shift in the city’s and region’s real estate sector and puts it on a firm pedestal for future growth.
Research • Investment / Capital Markets
Logistics Tenant Profile – 위기의 NEW 물류 HUB 안성
안성은 4개 광역 교통망이 통과하는 교통의 요지로, 고속도로 접근성이 뛰어난 IC 인접 지역을 중심으로 물류 권역이 형성되어 있습니다. 최근 3년새 물류센터가 약 2배 증가하였으며, 원곡면, 일죽면, 양성면 등 기존 물류 공급 지역에 골고루 신규 공급이 이뤄졌습니다.
Carter Kim • 05/02/2025
Insights • Technology
Asia Pacific Data Centre Construction Cost Guide
The Asia Pacific region is home to around 60 per cent of the global population, but its data centre capacity lags both Europe and the United States. This differential continues to drive development of the sector as construction and land costs rise.
James Normandale • 16/01/2025
Research • Workplace
Cushman & Wakefield’s 2025 Asia Pacific Office Outlook provides supply, demand, vacancy and rent data forecasts for cities in Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.
Dominic Brown • 11/12/2024

Research • Economy
Gain insights with the APAC Macro Outlook 2024 report: Economic trends, sector performance, and opportunities in the dynamic Asia Pacific region.
Dominic Brown • 30/07/2024

Global Data Center Market Comparison
Explore a unique way to assess and score 92 global primary and emerging data center markets utilizing 14 criteria.