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5 Steps To Climate Positive Real Estate

Shaun Brodie • 07/11/2022
AP Sustainability Climate Positive Report 2022
Climate positive activities are aimed at not only achieving but surpassing net zero emission goals through eradicating additional carbon dioxide (CO2) and/or greenhouse gases (GHG) from the atmosphere. In short, it’s about saving more GHG emissions than your actions produce, in order to create an environmental benefit.
When developing a climate positive strategy, the first stage is to apply a carbon accounting framework. For instance, if a building product manufacturer wants to develop a climate neutral or positive product, they must determine the total carbon footprint of that product. The carbon footprint covers everything — from the energy needed to source the original material/s as well as to produce, supply, use and dispose of the product — to the emissions related to product original material/s sourcing as well as product production, usage and disposal.
Once the total carbon footprint is calculated, as well as what needs to be counteracted to become carbon neutral, then an additional measurement number, such as an extra 10% for example, can then be tagged on to estimate what is needed to go climate positive.
How enterprises actually achieve climate positivity can differ. Usually, however, they meet the requirements via a mixture of reducing carbon emissions, shifting to renewable energy, producing locally, investing into offsetting, and purchasing carbon credits.
Transforming Your Real Estate
Buildings can realize climate-positive results in a number of ways, and simply put, the steps to climate positive are the steps to net zero plus that extra mile, whatever takes the building to remove more greenhouse gas (GHG) than it is producing. The building’s strategy should include a mixture of the following steps: 
Step 1 
CHOOSE: the optimal building location, design, energy modelling, eco-friendly materials, renewable energy and intelligent energy management systems
Step 2 
MAXIMISE: the structural efficiency, insulation and greenhouse gas reduction systems 
Step 3 
MINIMISE: the material and operational wastage and water usage
Step 4 
MAINTAIN: the hardware and software
Step 5 
RE-USE: upon current-use obsolescence

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