Integrated Facilities Management
Our Integrated Facilities Management model brings together and manages your day to day essential operational services that keep your real estate working for you.
With our differentiated approach to managing facilities, we’re able to transform facilities that influence and create exceptional workplace environments that benefit your people.
We embrace a culture of transparency and honesty. Cultivating a partnership approach with our clients, people and partners allows us to develop the right FM solutions to meet the needs of your business.
Operational Excellence
We use tried and tested processes, building management technology and economies of scale that can significantly reduce your facility operating costs. Our roots are in real estate execution and we have an enviable history of maintaining operational credibility/excellence across services and geographies.
Employee Experience
Our Programmes include Journey Mapping, our proprietary Experience per Square Foot (XSF) Scorecard, Service Excellence Delivery and Training, Workplace Edge – a proprietary employee engagement app – and a fleet of Experience Managers that promote efficiency, productivity and peak performance among your staff.
Critical Facilities
We provide consultancy and operational services that utilize a programmed operation and maintenance activity approach, achieving consistency, predictability and the highest availability of the systems.
We help our clients become more sustainable and efficient by tailoring our comprehensive, multi-faceted programme to your specific needs, which significantly reduce energy, waste disposal and water usage, contributing both to savings, as well as public recognition of your Corporate Social Responsibility achievements.
Smart buildings
Our focus here is on both the occupant and the operational efficiency of the building, identifying the main drivers that provide business intelligence and enable facilities executives to anticipate and address the ever-changing needs of occupants.
We embrace a culture of transparency and honesty. Cultivating a partnership approach with our clients, people and partners allows us to develop the right FM solutions to meet the needs of your business.
Operational Excellence
We use tried and tested processes, building management technology and economies of scale that can significantly reduce your facility operating costs. Our roots are in real estate execution and we have an enviable history of maintaining operational credibility/excellence across services and geographies.
Employee Experience
Our Programmes include Journey Mapping, our proprietary Experience per Square Foot (XSF) Scorecard, Service Excellence Delivery and Training, Workplace Edge – a proprietary employee engagement app – and a fleet of Experience Managers that promote efficiency, productivity and peak performance among your staff.
Critical Facilities
We provide consultancy and operational services that utilize a programmed operation and maintenance activity approach, achieving consistency, predictability and the highest availability of the systems.
We help our clients become more sustainable and efficient by tailoring our comprehensive, multi-faceted programme to your specific needs, which significantly reduce energy, waste disposal and water usage, contributing both to savings, as well as public recognition of your Corporate Social Responsibility achievements.
Smart buildings
Our focus here is on both the occupant and the operational efficiency of the building, identifying the main drivers that provide business intelligence and enable facilities executives to anticipate and address the ever-changing needs of occupants.
Kompleksowe Zarządzanie Portfelem
W ramach kompleksowego zarządzania portfelem oferujemy usługi w zakresie zarządzania transakcjami, administrowania portfelem i opracowywania strategii portfelowych uwzględniających wyzwania i priorytety biznesowe naszych Klientów. Wykorzystujemy dane, usprawniamy procesy i dostarczamy najwyższej jakości analizy, aby zapewnić Klientom wsparcie w osiąganiu najważniejszych celów biznesowych.
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Zarządzanie Transakcjami
Gwarantujemy pozyskanie odpowiedniej powierzchni w odpowiedniej lokalizacji w oparciu o przemyślaną strategię, aby zapewnić Klientom wsparcie w rozwoju firmy i elastyczne warunki prowadzenia działalności.
Globalne Administrowanie Portfelem
Konsolidacja danych dotyczących portfela w celu zapewnienia kontroli i dostępu do przejrzystych i precyzyjnych informacji, dzięki czemu Klienci mogą skupić się na najważniejszych celach biznesowych.
Portfolio Services Centre PSC
Cushman & Wakefield’s global Portfolio Service Centres (PSC’s) are global, multi-disciplined, connected teams of real estate professionals that partner with on-site/in-market teams to deliver fully-integrated services to Cushman & Wakefield’s clients.
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Advisory and Research
Learn MoreRethinking Properties
W ramach usługi Rethinking Properties oferujemy multidyscyplinarne rozwiązanie, które umożliwia podniesienie wartości aktywów niespełniających już swoich celów ze względu na zmiany gospodarcze, środowiskowe i strategii dotyczących miejsca pracy. W trudnych czasach gospodarczych repozycjonowanie to jedna z najmniej kosztownych i najbardziej efektywnych strategii pozwalających na zwiększenie wartości przestarzałych nieruchomości i zagwarantowanie ich dalszej użyteczności.
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Rethinking Properties
W ramach usługi Rethinking Properties oferujemy multidyscyplinarne rozwiązanie, które umożliwia podniesienie wartości aktywów niespełniających już swoich celów ze względu na zmiany gospodarcze, środowiskowe i strategii dotyczących miejsca pracy. W trudnych czasach gospodarczych repozycjonowanie to jedna z najmniej kosztownych i najbardziej efektywnych strategii pozwalających na zwiększenie wartości przestarzałych nieruchomości i zagwarantowanie ich dalszej użyteczności.
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Zarządzanie nieruchomościami
Zarządzanie nieruchomością to coś więcej niż tylko zarządzanie budynkiem. Zarządca nieruchomości dba o zwiększanie wartości aktywów i kreuje pozytywne doświadczenia użytkowników nieruchomości.
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PDS - Project Management
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Residential • Investment / Capital Markets
The report ‘Micro apartments 2024: An asset class comes of age’ builds on its predecessor from 2021 and analyses the current trends, drivers and opportunities in the German market for micro-apartments.
Jan-Bastian Knod • 22/08/2024